MPI offers an excellent selection of flexible cables and accessories for RF and mm-wave measurement applications for complete RF probe system integration.
Test CablesA number of special requirements have to be met for RF cables in wafer-level measurement systems: the optimal cable length, weight, magnitude and phase stability, temperature range and design of the male connector. MPI engineers focus on optimal cable solutions taking into account all requirements mentioned above and therefore closely cooperate with the leading cable manufactures. As a result, MPI can offer two series of RF cables — the high-end MMC and the entry-level MRC — covering the entire frequency range starting from 18 GHz. This allows engineers to choose the optimal system configuration in dependence of the required measurement accuracy and budget restrictions.The cables assemblies are offered in two standard lengths of 120 cm and 80 cm to match with the footprint of the probe system and the location of the VNA.
AdaptersHigh-quality RF and high end mm-wave adapters are offered to address challenges of regular system reconfiguration and integration with different type of test instrumentation.
WaveguidesWaveguide sections are used to connected the waveguide-based RF probes with the output port of the VNA mm-wave heads (converters) used at the frequencies starting from the V-band (50 GHz). Due to the unified design, the MPI waveguide sections are compatible with any type of frequency converters and MPI Probe Systems. The same time, they provide the maximum possible system measurement dynamic range.The standard offering covers a wide frequency range: from the V-band (WR15, from 50 GHz to 75 GHz) up to the G-band (WR-5, from 140 GHz to 220 GHz). For measurements above 220 GHz, MPI engineers recommend to mount RF probes directly to the waveguide ports of converters.
MPI RF Probes & Accessories
TITAN™ RF Probes
Calibration Substrates
RF Calibration Software